Impact on the Community

Environment & Sustainability

At LivingStone we are conscious that manufacturing can play an important role in building a sustainable future. Our effort has always been to reduce our footprint on the environment by  conservation of resources and reduction in wastage. LivingStone operations aim to reduce or eliminate waste, recover energy and optimise resources. To that effect, we recycle and repurpose a number of materials on the shop floor. Rainwater is regularly harvested at the factories and treated for further utilisation.

Health and Education

Women and children are often the most marginalised part of the community, and have become the focus of our social responsibility efforts.

We have partnered with HYNGO (Help Your NGO) to ensure sustained and effective contribution towards developmental activities for women and children. The organisation has helped us identify and work with two deserving programmes and have authentic on-ground reach to make a real impact.

Spotless Dame

Spotless Dame is an initiative by PraveenLata Sansthan to create awareness around menstruation hygiene management in rural areas. The aim of the programme is to educate girls and women on understanding and employing safe practices during their menstruation. Conversations about menstrual hygiene are still rare in the rural communities, and this programme is a step towards breaking the cycle of silence and reframe the conversation from shame to pride. Through this programme, LivingStone contributes to education (creating awareness around menstruation), employment (work for those involved in making cloth pads), empowerment (economical and physical empowerment) and environment (reducing plastic waste of sanitary pads).


Anando is a unique educational programme under the aegis of Light of Life Trust. It addresses the issue of motivating possible school dropouts to complete their secondary education. Rural communities are often weighed down with poverty, bringing the young into the workforce extremely early to contribute financially. The programme aims to empower the rural poor to break free from the cycle of poverty by offering vocational skills, education and healthcare services. LivingStone has contributed to two grades till now and mapped the progress of students, who have scored well and will be continuing their education.

Team &

For nearly four decades we have created a sustainable people-centric work environment, be it empowering our own employees or the larger community around us.

Our CSR Policy focusses on programmes that benefit the communities around our mining and production areas to enhance the quality of life & economic well-being of the local population.
The result of that has been tangible developments in professional competencies of our employees and forging long-term relationships with them. A large number of team members in our factories and quarries have been with us for over 20 years, creating an indelible bond and a common commitment to achieving goals.

Having grown with the company for decades, many of the employees have been able to ensure that the future generation are now employed in blue-collar jobs or are pursuing professional streams of education.

We abstain from being mere financial contributors to the wellbeing of the community. Water scarcity, in rural areas where the factories and quarries are located, is a palpable problem. We ensure that the community is regularly supplied with clean, drinking water. In addition, we also distribute mosquito nets, generators to hospitals and school supplies to villages around the quarries and factories.